
This is our Virtual Homework Board.  Every day, I will post homework assignments right here. Of course, it will also be written on the whiteboard in our classroom and students will be expected to copy down their assignments each day. BUT... just in case they forget, or it is not clear to you, you can always check this page.  I will also write upcoming events and important information here, so check back regularly!

September 9, 2021
Summer Reading & Math Assignment - Did you do your summer reading project or optional summer math packet?  If you did, please be ready to turn in your assignments during the first week of school. You will hand in your reading project to your literacy teacher.  If you completed your math packet (it was optional), you can hand it in to Mrs. Atkinson on the first day of school or any day thereafter during the month of September.  Students who hand it in will receive a special prize!  For more information about the summer reading and math assignments please visit the Indian Hill School website and click on the tabs below the picture.